19. Juni 2020

Active participant in shaping NATO's nuclear deterrence

Justyna Gotkowska, Centre for Eastern Studies, Poland
Decorative image showing a blue gradient

Nuclear deterrence, together with conventional deterrence, is perceived by Poland as a key element of NATO’s policy. This is valid especially after Russian annexation of Crimea and intervention in eastern Ukraine. But even before, Poland was aware of the importance of NATO’s nuclear deterrence due to Russia signaling its readiness to use nuclear weapons in the Zapad military exercises (in 2009 against Poland and in 2013 against Sweden). The nuclear sharing program, together with the US conventional military presence in Europe, are seen as a key US commitment to European security, and constitute the foundation of Poland’s security. Since 2014 Polish F-16s have escorted allied DCA in NATO’s nuclear exercises.

Poland’s National Security Strategy published in May 2020 points to “an increased likelihood of tactical nuclear weapons being used in a classical military operation.” According to the Strategy Poland aims to “participate actively in shaping the policy of nuclear deterrence of NATO.” 



Bibliografische Angaben

Justyna Gotkowska, Program Coordinator, Regional Security Programme, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)

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