19. Juni 2020

German participation embodies collective defence and solidarity

Prof. Dr. Alessandro Marrone and Dr. Stefano Silvestri, Institute of International Affairs, Italy
Photo and pull quote from Dr. Stefano Silvestri for the nuclear sharing article

In Italy there is no official, explicit position in this regard. However, the following points can be made. First, Germany’s participation in nuclear sharing means Italy is not the only major European country to host US tactical nuclear weapons without having its own deterrent. The German contribution embodies collective defence and solidarity, both among Europeans and at transatlantic level, and therefore it helps Rome to stay the course of nuclear sharing. Should Germany abandon this role, anti-nuclear movements in Italy would have a new, strong argument to advocate a similar choice by Rome. Above all, the negative effects of Germany stepping back on European security and NATO would harm Italy’s national security and interests. 



Bibliografische Angaben

Prof. Dr. Alessandro Marrone, Head of Defence Programme, Institute of International Affairs (IAI), Dr. Stefano Silvestri, Scientific Advisor, former president, IAI

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