17. Juni 2020

Opening Pandora's box

Charly Salonius-Pasternak, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Finland
Photo and pull quote from Charly Salonius-Pasternak for the nuclear sharing article

If Germany left, it would open a Pandora’s box. The view is that multiple NATO member states east of Germany would want to participate – with Poland mentioned explicitly (and not positively) – and that this would likely have many negative consequences.

Russian responses would be immediate and long-term; any chance of rapprochement would disappear for a long time. It would also upset the newfound balance in the Baltic Sea region (BSR), with direct consequences to Finland and other BSR littorals. An offence-defense arms race cycle would be likely, with Russia feeling forced to significantly strengthen its western defenses, “requiring” a response by NATO etc. etc. In one sentence: Unilateral German withdrawal from (technical) nuclear sharing would have significant negative consequences for European security.



Bibliografische Angaben

Charly Salonius-Pasternak, Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA)

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