Areas of Expertise

  • European integration
  • German European policy
  • Southern EU member states


German, English, French

Until April 2021, Julian Rappold was a senior fellow at the DGAP’s Alfred von Oppenheim Center for European Policy Studies and project leader of the German-Italian Young Leaders Dialogue – Spinelli Forum. He re-joined DGAP in April 2019 after having previously worked there from 2011 to 2017.

From 2017 to 2019, Rappold headed the project “Connecting Europe,” a joint initiative of the European Policy Centre (EPC) and the Mercator Foundation, where he also served as senior policy analyst. From 2015 to 2017, he was an associate researcher for the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). Prior to that, he worked with the European Parliament and the Ministry of State for Baden-Württemberg.

Rappold studied political science and economics at the University of Freiburg and University of Münster as well as Lyon’s Institut d’Études Politiques. He earned a master’s degree in European studies from the University of Bath, Humboldt-Universität, and Freie Universität Berlin.


Time to Act

The European Mainstream’s Obligation to Respond to the Rise of Populism

Julian Rappold
External Publications

Talsohle durchschritten?

Griechenland will sein Negativimage als Schuldenstaat abschütteln. Doch die wirtschaftliche Erholung verläuft schleppend

Julian Rappold

In the media