Areas of Expertise

  • EU and NATO enlargement 
  • Peace and conflict research
  • Human rights and national minorities
  • Western Balkans and post-Soviet conflict areas
  • Migration, asylum, and refugee issues (EU)

Short Bio

Nikola Xaviereff is the project manager for the Western Balkans in DGAP’s Center for Order and Governance in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia. Previously, he worked for the Democracy and Human Dignity Division of the Council of Europe and for the OSCE’s High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) in The Hague. He also completed a traineeship at the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina and has conducted research in Georgia and Kosovo. In Germany, he worked in the Bundestag and supported Ukrainian refugees in Berlin. 

Xaviereff holds a MSc in international affairs from KU Leuven and an MSc in international migration and public policy from the London School of Economics. He is a TILN-Fellow of the German Marshall Fund. In his free time, he plays cello.


English, German, Russian, Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian


[Last updated: September 2024]

Nikola Xaviereff

