Areas of Expertise

  • French foreign and security policy
  • Franco-German relations
  • French political parties on the Far Right

Short Bio

Jacob Ross is research fellow at DGAP where he focuses on France and Franco-German relations. He had initially joined the program as a research assistant in June 2021. Previously, he worked as a research assistant at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels. He had already gained experience within the Franco-German context while working at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and during his work as a parliamentary assistant to Sabine Thillaye, Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly.

Ross also received the majority of his academic training in France: first, within a Franco-German double-degree program at the Institute of Political Science (IEP) in Lille and, later, at the IEP in Paris and at the Ecole nationale d'administration (Ena) in Strasbourg. He also studied at the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Bologna while earning a master’s degree in international relations and economics.


German, French, English


[Last updated: February 2024]

Jacob Ross



Stunde der Wahrheit

Die deutsch-französische Kooperation braucht dringend Erfolgsmeldungen
Jacob Ross
Kenny Kremer

Pulsmessung an der Grenze

Die deutsch-französische grenzüberschreitende Gesundheitszusammenarbeit
Jacob Ross
Andrea Baumgartner

Grenzenlos Arbeiten

Der deutsch-französische grenzüberschreitende Arbeitsmarkt
Andrea Baumgartner
Jacob Ross

In the media