Areas of Expertise

  • European foreign and security policy
  • Franco-German relations


German, English, French

Hatim Shehata worked from May 2020 until March 2022 as a research assistant for DGAP’s France/Franco-German Relations Program. Previously, he worked as an intern for the EU Office of the Leibniz Association in Brussels, the German Foreign Office in New York, and the Foreign Office of the Bavarian State Chancellery in Québec.

Most recently, Shehata has been completing his master’s degree in international relations in the program jointly run by the Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and the University of Potsdam. In 2018, he earned degrees in European studies and governance and public policy at the University of Passau and Sciences Po Toulouse.

(Last updated March 2022)


Porträt eines zersplitterten Landes

Warum kommt Frankreich nicht zur Ruhe? Neugierig und verwundert blickt man aus Deutschland auf die andere Rheinseite. Ein französischer Politologe und ein Ex-Berater Emmanuel Macrons gewähren Einblicke in die Gemütslage der Grande Nation.

Hatim Shehata
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