Sarah Pagung has been the Program Director Berlin Foreign Policy Forum, Körber Policy Game at the Körber Foundation since January 2023. Before that, she was an associate fellow at DGAP from February 2019 to December 2022. Her research focused on Russian foreign and information policies and on Moldova. Until December 2018, Pagung worked as a program officer for the Robert Bosch Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, where she managed the discussion group on Russia and the Eastern Partnership as well as the joint project “A New Western Ostpolitik” with Johns Hopkins University. From 2013 to 2015, she worked in the project team of the Carl Friedrich Goerdeler Kolleg.

Pagung is currently working on a doctorate on the impact of Russian propaganda and information policy on Germany at the Freie Universität Berlin, where she studied political science. She is also an adjunct lecturer there and serves as a seminar facilitator for various formats relating to European foreign policy and Eastern Europe. From 2012 to 2013, she worked in youth and adult education in Saint Petersburg on behalf of the European Voluntary Service’s German-Russian exchange program.

Last updated in December 2022

Sarah Pagung



Risk Report Russia

Political Risk Scenarios for Russia

Sarah Pagung
External Publications

Gipfel in Helsinki

Plattform für Putins innenpolitische Manöver

Sarah Pagung

In der Eskalationsspirale

Russland und der Westen nach der Wahl

Dr. Stefan Meister
Sarah Pagung
Wilfried Jilge
Policy Brief

Moldova at an Impasse

The crisis in the republic is set to continue despite the formation of a new government

Sarah Pagung
Policy Brief

In the media