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This project analyzes the emergence of norms within the United Nations’ Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) and its Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) as well as in state-led cyber operations. In particular, it focuses on better understanding how emerging technologies such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things shape the character of cyber norms. 

The project studies the shifting boundaries of what states perceive as (un)acceptable behavior and aims to connect German conversations on these issues with those that are occurring internationally. To fulfil this aim, it organizes workshops and public events at which experts, policy-makers, and diplomats can convene on a regular basis.

Key Topics

  • United Nations’ Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on the security of and in the use of information and communications technologies 2021–2025
  • Cyber diplomacy
  • Behavior of great powers in cyberspace
  • Emerging technologies and cyber norms
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Interactive Illustration Tool: Mapping of Critical Infrastructure Worldwide


As part of her Junge DGAP Fellowship, Hannah-Sophie Weber joined Valentin Weber & Maria Pericàs Riera in their research project on Norms in Cyberspace. She created an interactive tool to illustrate the mapping of critical infrastructure worldwide. In the video, she explains how the tool can be used!


Ein Quantum Risiko

Schneller, effizienter, vernetzter, disruptiver: Wie Quantentechnologien sich auf die globale Sicherheit auswirken werden – und was das für Deutschland und Europa bedeutet. 

Dr. Valentin Weber
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