In this center, experts deal with various aspects of security and defense policy. The scope of their research activities includes German and European defense and security policy, stabilization and civilian crisis management on the European and African continents, and conflict risk reduction in the Asia-Pacific region.
Main Topics:
- German, European, and transatlantic security and defense policy
- Military capabilities, arms cooperation, and technological innovation
- Nuclear deterrence, arms control, and non-proliferation
- Civilian crisis prevention, stabilization, and peacebuilding
- Security and conflict risks in the Asia-Pacific
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Aufkündigung des Iranabkommens durch US-Präsident Donald J. Trump
DGAP-Kurzbewertungenvon Josef Braml, Cornelius Adebahr und Amy J. Nelson
France Moves From EU Defense to European Defense
While the EU is celebrating PESCO, Paris is preparing for closer defense cooperation outside the union
Pragmatic and European
France sets new goals for a European defence policy
Paris lädt ein. Berlin sollte der Einladung folgen
Frankreich gibt sich eine neue Verteidigungsstrategie