Center for Security and Defense

Key Visual Security and Defense


In this center, experts deal with various aspects of security and defense policy. The scope of their research activities includes German and European defense and security policy, stabilization and civilian crisis management on the European and African continents, and conflict risk reduction in the Asia-Pacific region.

Main Topics:

  • German, European, and transatlantic security and defense policy
  • Military capabilities, arms cooperation, and technological innovation
  • Nuclear deterrence, arms control, and non-proliferation
  • Civilian crisis prevention, stabilization, and peacebuilding
  • Security and conflict risks in the Asia-Pacific
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Applications for Our Research

At DGAP’s Center for Security and Defense, we conduct research and provide advice on various aspects of security and defense policy. We aim to create a better understanding of fundamental issues and identify options for action among both political decision-makers and the general public.

We have extensive expertise in German, European, and transatlantic security and defense policy. We analyze military capabilities, armaments cooperation, and technological innovation as well as nuclear deterrence, arms control, and non-proliferation.

Furthermore, we work in the field of civilian crisis prevention, stabilization, and peacebuilding, seeking to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Germany’s stabilization efforts and to sustainably strengthen cooperation among the landscape of national actors. We also initiate or further develop discussion points for the German government to use in its interdepartmental and interministerial reflection and learning processes.

Within the framework of our project Risk Reduction and Arms Control in the Asia-Pacific, we work to build and transfer knowledge on current security issues and conflict risks in this key region and to develop approaches for stability. In publications and workshops, our experts share their analysis and its relevance for Germany and Europe with stakeholders and the general public.

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Past events

16:30 - 18:30 | 22 Jun 2020

Deradicalization Work and Recidivism

A joint event by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
Think Tank Event
Web Talk
16:00 - 16:45 | 07 Apr 2020

Spreading Only Peace?

Implications of the Corona Crisis for International Peace Operations


No Time to Lose: How Germany’s Zeitenwende in Defense Can Succeed

Germany has promised to fundamentally change its approach to defense and security. Yet, the policy so far lacks drive, focus, and strategy. Here are some proposals to turn the Zeitenwende into a success.

Dr. Claudia Major
Dr. Christian Mölling
Creation date

Making Germany’s Military Fit for Purpose

If Germany’s Zeitenwende is to be a success, it is not only its security institutions that need to be reviewed. The processes that have been in place up to now also need to be scrutinized.

Dr. Aylin Matlé
Creation date

Von Bremsern und Bürokraten

Wenn Deutschlands Zeitenwende ein Erfolg werden soll, müssen nicht nur die sicherheitspolitischen Institutionen überprüft werden; auch die bisherigen Abläufe gehören hinterfragt.

Dr. Aylin Matlé
IP Special
Creation date