Finding Fuel: Recharging Sudan’s Economic Reforms

An Interactive Online Discussion by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
30 April 2020
Invitation type
Invitation only


Even before the arrival of the novel coronavirus, Sudan has been suffering from a deep economic crisis. Prices of daily goods are skyrocketing, lines at gas stations are building, and import deliveries in Port Sudan are national news. While the fate of the transitional government hangs on its ability to improve the livelihoods of millions of ordinary Sudanese, it struggles to agree on a unified response. International donors have repeatedly acknowledged their willingness to support the transition but have been held back by legal and political impediments. The impending global recession due to the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to exacerbate this situation.

In this interactive online discussion, we will examine the current state of play concerning Sudan’s economic situation; the measures its government has initiated so far, including political choices and trade-offs; and where all of this leaves the possibility of stabilization support by international donors. This event will take place before the international donor conference still scheduled for June of this year.


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