
The focus of DGAP’s research and consulting on this core theme is the interdependency of technology and foreign policy. Technological innovation — as well as the diffusion and impact of emerging technologies — is always influenced by the social, economic, and (security) policy contexts in which it occurs. At the same time, technologies affect international actors by changing their areas of influence, options for action, and goals. Today, technology not only continues to play a role in determining foreign and security policy in the classical sense, but it also almost always includes an international dimension, for example in its consequences for regulation or global chains of supply and production.


Recent publications

Influencers and Their Ability to Engineer Collective Online Behavior

A Boon and a Challenge for Politics

Influencers can be powerful allies in spreading important information, but they can also be weaponized to undermine social cohesion and democratic processes. While their ability to amplify narratives, engineer trends, and mobilize communities has made them into valuable commodities for promoting ideas and beliefs, their expertise and power can be exploited. This DGAP Policy Brief outlines strategies for policymakers to harness influencers’ potential while mitigating the risks of manipulation to safeguard democratic stability.

Dr. Katja Muñoz
Policy Brief

In the media


Past events

15:00 - 20:00 | 24 May 2017

Cyber-Attacken, Trolle und Fake News

Wie können wir die Software unserer Demokratie im Wahljahr stärken?

Nach den Berichten, Hackerangriffe und Social Bots hätten den Ausgang der US-Präsidentschaftswahlen beeinflusst, ist auch in Deutschland die Angst groß, internationale Akteure könnten den politischen Wettbewerb im Vorfeld der Bundestagswahl verfälschen und sich auf die Wahlergebnisse auswirken.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
13:00 - 14:30 | 24 Oct 2016

Die Beschlüsse von Montréal

Ein politischer Durchbruch für den Klimaschutz im Luftverkehr?

Think Tank Veranstaltung


Further Topics & Regions