
The focus of DGAP’s research and consulting on this core theme is the interdependency of technology and foreign policy. Technological innovation — as well as the diffusion and impact of emerging technologies — is always influenced by the social, economic, and (security) policy contexts in which it occurs. At the same time, technologies affect international actors by changing their areas of influence, options for action, and goals. Today, technology not only continues to play a role in determining foreign and security policy in the classical sense, but it also almost always includes an international dimension, for example in its consequences for regulation or global chains of supply and production.


Recent publications

Data-Centric Authoritarianism: How China’s Development of Frontier Technologies Could Globalize Repression

Artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies that collect and analyze digital data are transforming how autocrats work to stifle dissent. Today, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) stands out for its quest to collect and leverage unprecedented types and volumes of data, from public and private sources and from within and beyond its borders, for social control. Thus, it is especially critical for civil society and democratic governments to identify effective, forward-looking strategies for confronting the spread of data-centric authoritarianism and mitigating its adverse impacts on human rights and democracy.

Dr. Valentin Weber
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