Russia & Central Asia


Recent publications

Trump’s Reshuffling of US Foreign Aid Endangers Internet Freedom

Why Germany and Europe Must Step into Shaping a New Digital World Order

The open internet and digital rights are being challenged more fundamentally than ever before. This time, however, the challenges are not coming from China or Russia but from the United States, which for years was considered a key player in promoting internet freedom. Donald Trump’s unprecedented suspension of US foreign aid to civil society threatens to strengthen state surveillance and censorship worldwide. This could affect Germany, too, if China and Russia expand their spheres of influence using digital technologies. The German government and its allies must not leave the digital future to authoritarian regimes. 

Alena Epifanova

In the media


Past events

14:40 - 17:00 | 30 Jan 2014

European Energy Security and the Southern Caucasus

International conference discusses the geopolitical environment of the Southern Gas Corridor

The Southern Gas Corridor transporting Caspian natural gas to Europe is beginning to take shape. Final investment decisions were made by the operating consortium in 2013. But in what geopolitical context does the project find itself? What is Azerbaijan hoping for as natural gas provider to European customers? And what role does the EU play in developing the gas corridor? These and other questions were the focus of an international conference at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).

Think Tank Event
17:00 - 18:30 | 31 Jan 2013

Kasachstan: Stabile Kraft in Zentralasien

Vortrag des kasachischen Außenministers Erlan Idrissow

Erlan Idrissow skizzierte die Grundlinien der kasachischen Außenpolitik und betonte die internationale Verantwortung, die sein Land wahrnehmen wolle. Neben den Beziehungen zu Russland, China, Indien und Iran verwies der kasachische Außenminister auch auf die Bedeutung des kasachisch-deutschen Verhältnisses.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm

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