Russia & Central Asia


Recent publications

Upgrading ­EU-Central Asia Cooperation

How to Leverage Common ­Interests Amid Geopolitical Turmoil

Russia’s war on Ukraine has raised the interest of the EU and Central Asian (CA) states in greater cooperation. While Brussels needs alternative sources for energy supply and raw materials, CA countries want to diversify their economic and political relations. But ongoing structural differences in governance, rule of law and the role of civil society in CA limit progress in their relations. To support structural changes in CA countries and take relations to the next level, the EU needs to engage more with CA states at the highest level and build up leverage. 

Dr. Stefan Meister
Judith Heckenthaler
Policy Brief

After Ostpolitik

A New Russia and Eastern Europe Policy Based on Lessons from the Past
Dr. Stefan Meister
Wilfried Jilge

After Ostpolitik

A New Russia and Eastern Europe Policy Based on Lessons from the Past
Dr. Stefan Meister
Wilfried Jilge


Past events

17:00 - 18:30 | 31 Jan 2013

Kasachstan: Stabile Kraft in Zentralasien

Vortrag des kasachischen Außenministers Erlan Idrissow

Erlan Idrissow skizzierte die Grundlinien der kasachischen Außenpolitik und betonte die internationale Verantwortung, die sein Land wahrnehmen wolle. Neben den Beziehungen zu Russland, China, Indien und Iran verwies der kasachische Außenminister auch auf die Bedeutung des kasachisch-deutschen Verhältnisses.

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