Germany and the US: Here, Ukraine Matters – Discussion with Alexander Vindman [Part 2]

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In this second of a two-part series, Ben and Aaron speak with Alexander Vindman – the man who literally wrote the book on Trump – Here, Right Matters – detailing his decision to report the phone call between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, resulting in Trump’s impeachment.

Alexander speaks about the possibility of a second Trump presidency, but also how Europe needs a new strategy for how to deal with Russia – with or without American support. Vindman is clear that while Europe would be capable of producing the capabilities it needs, the will to defend itself is lacking and that puts Europeans in danger.


  • Alexander Vindman, Senior Fellow at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, former Director of European Affairs for the United States National Security Council, (Ret’d) Lieutenant Colonel with the US Army and bestselling author (@AVindman)




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