Middle East & North Africa


Recent publications

Building Energy Institutions in a Conflict Zone

Interventions by International Organisations in Afghanistan

How do international development organisations develop institutional capacity in conflict zones? Here we take a descriptive, topological perspective on the question, using the case of Afghanistan. For twenty years prior to the capture of Afghanistan by the Taliban in August 2021 the international community directed substantial resources to Afghanistan, seeking to build a democratic state. Here we examine selected, energy-related aspects of those institution-building processes, taking the country as a case study of institutional development for energy and other transitions that is explicitly driven by particular values. We find that this institutional development can be categorized in terms of three main themes: development of a regulatory framework for the energy sector; privatisation of energy systems; and women's empowerment in terms of knowledge, skills and engagement in energy sector provisioning. 

Dr. Abdullah Fahimi
External Publications

Vom Atomdeal geblendet

Weshalb beschönigende Iran-Analysen nicht weiterhelfen

Dr. Ali Fathollah-Nejad
Externe Publikationen

Riad setzt auf Risiko

Saudi-Arabien und der Krieg in Jemen

Sebastian Sons
Externe Publikationen


Past events

18:30 - 20:00 | 29 Jun 2011

The Iran Nuclear Crisis:

Is an Acceptable Deal Possible?

Since the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979, the relationship between the United States and Iran consists mostly of mutual accusations. The US accuses Iran of pursuing a nuclear weapons program, and Iran accuses the US of trying to intervene in its internal affairs and acting out of imperialist motives. The question is: Is there a way out of this crisis? Dr. Steven Miller took on this question at a discussion group at the DGAP on transatlantic relations.

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