
Geoeconomics – one of DGAP’s core themes – explores how the politics of trade, technology, finance, and/or energy can be employed to achieve strategic goals. For Europe to remain a key player internationally, the continent must help define the rules of a new geoeconomic world order. DGAP looks at how Germany can contribute to better positioning Europe in this increasingly competitive landscape.


Recent publications

Germany and Europe Can Boost Security by Reforming Capital Markets

Poorly developed capital markets in Germany and across the European Union (EU) hurt European security. Reforming them can foster economic dynamism, reduce harmful dependencies, and enhance Europe’s military edge. If German and EU politicians took a strategic view, they would clearly see the need to overcome fragmentation in the financial sector, increase risk appetite, incentivize private investment in innovation, and optimize regulation to meet economic and security needs. 

Julian Stöckle
Policy Brief


Past events

19:30 - 21:00 | 20 Sep 2012

Friedensgutachten 2012

Wirtschaftsinteressen im Spannungsfeld von Sicherheits- und Entwicklungspolitik
DGAP Regionalforum NRW
12:30 - 14:30 | 25 Jun 2012

Nahrungsmittelversorgung in der Krise

Wie treiben Klimawandel, Energielandwirtschaft, Spekulation und Misswirtschaft die Preise an?

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
08:00 - 09:30 | 26 Apr 2012

Wohin fließt das zentralasiatische Gas?

Die Energiepolitik Russlands und Europas in Zentralasien

Das zentralasiatische Gas bildet ein gutes Fundament für eine russisch-europäische Kooperation in der Energieversorgung. Beide Seiten könnten sich schon bald im zentralasiatischen Raum in der Energiepolitik annähern. Dann wäre die Rohstoffsicherheit für Europa durch den Gasexport aus Kasachstan, Turkmenistan und Usbekistan gewährleistet. Vladimir Volokitin, Direktor für Analyse und Optimierung von Gazprom Export, stellte in einem Vortrag seine Sicht auf die Kooperation in Zentralasien vor.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
Early Bird Breakfast
18:00 - 20:00 | 27 Mar 2012

Germany as Measuring Stick

EADS CEO Louis Gallois calls for an ambitious European industrial policy

Joint efforts are the only way for Europe to overcome the financial crisis and remain economically competitive, according to Louis Gallois, CEO of Europe’s largest aerospace company. The discussion included Hartmut Mehdorn, CEO of Air Berlin, and focused on analyzing Germany’s economic strength and France’s current economic malaise: “We can learn a lot from Germany.”

Program Event

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