Resources and Energy


Recent publications

Trump-Proofing Europe

How the Continent Can Prepare for American Abandonment

As Russia’s war in Ukraine enters its third year, Europe has performed far better than expected. For decades after World War II, it counted on the United States to be the ultimate guarantor of its security. However, European leaders cannot count on a friendly United States. They must prepare for the possibility that, a year from now, the United States will again be led by Donald Trump. 

Prof. Dr. Guntram Wolff
Camille Grand
Arancha González Laya
et al.
External Publications

Vom Atomdeal geblendet

Weshalb beschönigende Iran-Analysen nicht weiterhelfen

Dr. Ali Fathollah-Nejad
Externe Publikationen

Europas eigene Energie

Energieversorgung: Welche Alternativen hat Europa?

Dr. Josef Braml
Externe Publikationen

Erneuerbare ohne Aufwind

Bisher gehört Frankreich bei der Entwicklung regenerativer Energien zu den Nachzüglern – das soll sich nun ändern

Stefan C. Aykut


Past events

14:30 - 16:30 | 08 Nov 2011

Den Atomausstieg europäisch denken

Deutschlands Energiewende aus deutsch-französischer Perspektive

Unter dem Eindruck der Atomkatastrophe von Fukushima beschreiten Frankreich und Deutschland energiepolitisch zwei völlig unterschiedliche Wege. Wie lassen sich diese unterschiedlichen Ansätze erklären? Was bedeuten sie für Unternehmen in beiden Ländern? Wie sieht die Zukunft der europäischen Energiepolitik aus? Der Atomausstieg Deutschlands und seine Auswirkungen auf die deutsche und französische Wirtschaft waren Thema einer Sitzung des Gesprächskreises Frankreich.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
16:30 - 18:00 | 21 Sep 2011

The Baltic Sea pipeline goes online as conflicts are settled

“Nord Stream” will be an essential building block for the European energy supply

This fall, Russian natural gas will flow to Western Europe through the first line of the Nord Stream pipeline. The infrastructure project in the Baltic Sea has special meaning for the EU energy supply. The Berthold Beitz Center’s Energy Breakfast, which took place on September 21, 2011, included controversial discussions on the current state of the project, as well as on the financing, environmental impact, competition with renewable energy sources, and dependencies between the participating countries.

Program Event
Early Bird Breakfast
08:30 - 10:30 | 06 Jul 2011

Where will Europe obtain gas in the future?

The Russia-EU energy relationship on trial

The liberalization package adopted by the European Commission was the focus of the third Energy Breakfast, which was organized by the Berthold Beitz Center and Gazprom Export on July 6, 2011.

Program Event
Early Bird Breakfast

Further Topics & Regions