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EU Trade Policy Must Focus on Market Openness and New Partnerships

Trade is the most important pillar of the EU’s dealings with third countries. To maintain this, the EU must refocus its trade policy on openness and partnerships. The new Commission needs to engage on all outstanding FTAs and consider pragmatic mini deals. Regardless of the outcome of the US elections, the EU needs to keep the United States as a partner and offer it potential opportunities. On a multilateral level, the WTO should be kept alive, focusing on trust building while advancing plurilateral deals. 

Dr. Claudia Schmucker

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13:00 - 14:30 | 12 Mar 2012

Divided Society

Hungary is deeply polarized, while the EU criticizes. Is democracy at risk?

Since the conservative Fidesz alliance received a two-thirds majority in the Hungarian parliamentary elections of 2010, Hungary has regularly attracted negative headlines. Is Hungarian democracy at risk? On March 12, this question was addressed by Prof. Dr. Ellen Bos, political scientist at the Andrássy University in Budapest, Gergely Prőhle, deputy state secretary at the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and historian Dr. Krisztián Ungváry during a panel discussion at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).

Program Event
08:00 - 09:30 | 07 Mar 2012

Russisches Gas für die Energiewende

Gasprom-Vertreter wirbt für mehr Wettbewerb auf dem Energiemarkt

Kann die EU ihre CO2-Emissionsziele erreichen? Gelingt in Deutschland die Energiewende? Ist Schiefergas eine Alternative zu russischem Erdgas? Diese Fragen beschäftigten die Teilnehmer des Energiefrühstücks des Berthold-Beitz-Zentrums in Kooperation mit Gasprom. Sergei Komlew, Direktor für Vertragsstrukturierung und Preisbildung bei Gasprom Export, warb für Gas aus Russland ― es sichere eine stabile Energieversorgung.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
08:30 - 10:00 | 05 Mar 2012

Neues altes Russland

Stimmen zur russischen Präsidentschaftswahl

Der Wahlsieger stand schon vorher fest: 64 Prozent der russischen Wähler gaben Wladimir Putin ihre Stimme – nun tritt er seine dritte Amtszeit als Präsident an. Wie es weitergeht, ist ungewiss: Wird Putin den Massenprotesten mit Repression begegnen? Oder den Dialog mit der liberalen Opposition suchen? Darüber diskutierten im Early Bird Breakfast Gleb Pawlowski, Direktor des Fonds für Effektive Politik, der ARD-Journalist Hubert Seipel und Rainer Lindner, Geschäftsführer des Ost-Ausschusses.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
Early Bird Breakfast
09:00 | 01 - 04 Mar 2012

Political Will is Crucial

Georgia has shown success in reforming its administration and economy – and aspires to join the EU

Much has happened since the 2003 Rose Revolution: Georgia has implemented administrative reforms, stimulated its economy, and taken up the fight against corruption. The Georgian government’s stated goal is integration with the EU, and negotiations on an association agreement are underway. But there are still unresolved issues such as the conflicts in the provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

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