

Recent publications

Die Anti-Macrons

Frankreichs Rechtsaußen und ihre Vision der EU

In Frankreich kündigt sich bei der Europawahl ein großer Erfolg der Rechtsaußen-Partei Rassemblement National (RN) an. Während Emmanuel Macron seit 2017 für EU-Souveränität wirbt, fordern das RN und eine zweite Rechtsaußen-Partei, Reconquête (R!), Souveränität auf die nationale Ebene zurückzuholen. Der Europawahlkampf bietet Einblicke in die Visionen und Feindbilder der französischen Rechtspopulisten. Die Bundesregierung sollte diese analysieren und sich entsprechend vorbereiten. Denn für eine Kooperation mit dem Pro-Europäer Macron bleiben nur noch drei Jahre.  

Jacob Ross
Nicolas Téterchen
Policy Brief

Subjugating RuNet

The Kremlin’s New Levers of Control over Elections and Society
Alena Epifanova
Online Commentary

Investment Screening

Protectionism and Industrial Policy? Or Justified Policy Tool to Protect National Security?
Dr. Claudia Schmucker
Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner
External Publications


Past events

17:30 - 19:00 | 14 May 2013

A Cornerstone for Europe

Ceremony marks 15 years of the German-Czech Fund for the Future and the German-Czech Discussion Forum

In a ceremony, Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg and German Bundestag President Norbert Lammert, alongside representatives of the bilateral project, acknowledged the connections between the two countries. Since the German-Czech Declaration was signed in 1997 considerable progress has been made. Members of the younger generation presented their cross-border projects and, in doing so, showed how much headway has been made in promoting relations between the two neighbors.

Program Event
13:00 - 14:30 | 13 May 2013

Ringen um Europa

Neuer EU-Kurs Großbritanniens nach Camerons Europarede? - Studiengruppe Europapolitik

Think Tank Veranstaltung
08:00 | 13 - 18 May 2013

The Western Balkans: A Region in Transformation

Thirty DGAP members tour Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina using EU enlargement as a point of reference

The Western Balkans have always stood at the crossroads of diverse cultures and ethnicities. The tour’s participants saw vibrant cities and met with many active NGOs but also encountered societies whose war wounds are far from healed. Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina still have work ahead of them – in the fight against corruption, in economic development, and in ethnic reconciliation. As the tour heard again and again, the most significant motor of change is the EU accession process.

Council Event
09:00 | 08 - 12 May 2013

Networks for the Future

Alumni meeting of the Diplomatenkolleg in Romania

Former program participants of the Diplomatenkolleg convened in Romania this May for their sixth alumni meeting. In the capital Bucharest and the Transylvanian city of Sibiu, alumni had the opportunity to renew their contacts with each other and meet participants from other years. The group also gained deep insight into Romania’s politics, culture, and economy.

Think Tank Event
Bucharest, Sibiu

Further Topics & Regions