The Americas


Recent publications

The US Presidential Election 2024 – Two Outcomes, One Set of Challenges

Germany as Europe’s leading economy and the host country to the majority of US legacy military installations on the Continent, continues to lag behind ­NATO’s eastern flank allies when it comes to rearmament. Berlin’s long-term relations with Washington, as well as its overall ability to influence the direction of Europe’s evolution and the future of NATO will ultimately depend on how it responds to the challenge of rearmament. 

Dr. Andrew A. Michta


Past events

12:30 - 14:00 | 28 Mar 2014

Die WM in Brasilien

Völkerverbindendes Sportfest oder Anlass für einen Bürgerkrieg?

DGAP Regionalforum München
12:00 - 14:30 | 11 Sep 2013

Transatlantic Relations: Greater Challenges, Smaller Means

Representatives from US-based think tanks join a discussion at the DGAP

Relations between Europe and the US developed over decades and are by no means losing their relevance. However, changing geostrategic conditions mean that new efforts are needed to keep the cooperation as deep as it has been in the past. What challenges do the partners face? What roles await Europe and America in the future? Representatives of US-based think tanks came together with German counterparts and the DGAP’s Transatlantic Relations Discussion Group to address these questions.

Program Event
12:30 - 14:00 | 18 Jun 2013

Making the Alliance work

Converging security interests between Canada and Europe - Transatlantic Roundtable

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm

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