Der vergessene Osten
Seit in Polen und Ungarn Populisten regieren, beschränkt sich Berlin auf unkritische Ad-hoc-Politik. Dabei gäbe es viel zu tun. Vor allem wäre den Nachbarn bei der Klimawende zu helfen.
Seit in Polen und Ungarn Populisten regieren, beschränkt sich Berlin auf unkritische Ad-hoc-Politik. Dabei gäbe es viel zu tun. Vor allem wäre den Nachbarn bei der Klimawende zu helfen.
TRAIN 2013: fostering policy dialogue on EU integration between decision makers and think tank representatives
The TRAIN 2014 Programme’s focus on strengthening the rule of law in the countries of the Western Balkans
Crisis management expert Pieter Feith on the difficulties of forming a state, dialogue with Serbia, and EU prospects
Critical Reflections on Coverage in the Press and Media
The TRAIN 2015 Programme’s focus on strengthening of democratic institutions in the countries of the Western Balkans
in Central and Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet States
Participants of the TRAIN programme presented their recommendations for closer ties between EU and Western Balkans
The Western Balkans’ long journey to the EU
The Western Balkans need a clear EU perspective
Serbia's Position between Rapprochement with the EU and Russian Influence
Croatia’s EU entry opens up opportunities for South Eastern Europe but harbors the danger of new dividing lines, too
Internal political power struggle blocks central reforms