
The experts of the DGAP Research Institute summarize their findings and recommendations on various foreign policy issues in four publication formats – memos, policy briefs, analyses, and reports. Ranging in length from concise to more detailed, all are available free of charge below. Enjoy!

France’s Pivot to Europe

The European Union seems disoriented in 2024. The German chancellor is turning to Washington when leadership is needed. That leaves French President Emmanuel Macron.

Jacob Ross
Cover Section
Creation date

The New Quantum Technology Race

With China and Russia collaborating on quantum technologies, the international race for superiority in this field is heating up. And Europe is well positioned to keep the pace.

Dr. Valentin Weber
The Wider View
Creation date

Burden Sharing Revisited

How to Keep the United States Engaged in Europe’s Security
Dr. Aylin Matlé
Policy Brief

Trouble at the Top

It’s not much of a secret that Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz are very different characters. Their deepening rift is damaging the Franco-German relationship—and Europe.

Dr. Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
Creation date