The experts of the DGAP Research Institute summarize their findings and recommendations on various foreign policy issues in four publication formats – memos, policy briefs, analyses, and reports. Ranging in length from concise to more detailed, all are available free of charge below. Enjoy!
Brüche im Generationenvertrag
Bildung, Gesundheit, Sicherheit: Schon heute schränken Klimafolgen die Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen weltweit ein. Noch stehen Wege aus der Krise offen.
What Feminist Foreign Policy Alliances Should Deliver in Times of Crisis
Rather than congratulating themselves for simply adopting a feminist foreign policy, countries should focus on how it can serve as a practical tool for responding to crises and addressing threats to human security—such as the current war in Gaza.
Central Asia’s Shifting Regional Dynamics
Gedimmte Großmacht
Wie hell Amerikas Licht auf der Weltbühne leuchten wird, hängt vom Ausgang der Wahlen ab – der einst stabile überparteiliche Konsens in der US-Außenpolitik ist erodiert.
Waiting for Christian
The pro-business Free Democrats are likely to leave the government early. It may be party leader—and finance minister—Christian Lindner’s last consequential mistake for a while.