How to Revive the Franco-German Relationship

DGAP’s Morning Briefing
All rights reserved

In this edition, the panel focuses on the state of the Franco-German relationship ahead of French President Emmanuel Macron’s state visit to Germany on May 26-28, the first such visit in 24 years. Despite their extraordinary closeness, France and Germany seem to be drifting apart on an ever-growing number of issues. Their failure to agree, including on the European response to Russia’s continued aggression against Ukraine, creates the impression of a disoriented European Union. Our panelists take the temperature of the relationship and suggest ways forward for the time after the European Parliament election in early June.

Benjamin Haddad, Member of the Assemblée National (Renaissance), member of its Foreign Affairs and European Affairs Committees 
Jeanette Süß, Research Fellow, Franco-German Relations, Institut français des relations internationales (ifri)
Jacob Ross, Research Fellow, France/Franco-German Relations, DGAP

Henning Hoff, Executive Editor of Internationale Politik Quarterly 




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