This bonus episode features a special conversation with Ukrainian researcher and Germany expert Stepan Rusyn that zooms in on how Berlin’s approach is viewed from Ukraine. It looks at Ukraine’s victory and why it matters – as well as why Berlin does not yet fully support it and still hesitates to send any new type of weapons, including Taurus cruise missiles.
Discussing fear of Russian (nuclear) escalation as well as Russian collapse as convenient excuses, Rusyn also explains the implications of Germany’s missing leadership and fear of war more broadly. We dismantle the discourse of enforced Ukrainain gratitude, highlights the need for investing in Ukraine’s defence industry; and lay out what Ukraine needs from the West for it to have a future that is worth fighting for.
Stepan Rusyn, Coordinator of German-Ukrainian Partnership Program, Transatlantic Dialogue Center, Kyiv (@RusynStepan)
Articles mentioned in the show & useful further readings:
- Zeitenwende: A View from Ukraine, Stepan Rusyn, DAG
- Who’s afraid of (Ukrainian) victory?, Benjamin Tallis and Julian Stöckle, IPQ
- Europe Can Flex Its Military Muscle to Protect Postwar Ukraine, Benjamin Tallis, FP
- Follow the Work of the Transatlantic Dialogue Centre – and sign up for their informative updates on the war and how Ukraine is faring