Comparing USA’s Biden Plan, China’s 5 Year Plan & the EU’s Recovery Plan

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The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an economic collapse of unprecedented scope. Governments have tried to ease the resulting health and economic crises by providing extraordinary monetary and fiscal support. In July 2020, EU member states agreed on a European recovery fund of 750 billion euro. While the administration of US President Joe Biden plans to combat the coronavirus crisis with a 2 trillion dollar “American Rescue Plan,” the Chinese government responded with a five-year plan. This panel compared key aspects of these different policy approaches, explored potential spillover effects, and discussed the extent to which they impact the relative positioning of the three regions in their geo-economic competition.

Alexander von zur Mühlen CEO Asia Pacific and Member of the Management Board at Deutsche Bank
Dr Stormy-Annika Mildner Executive Director of the Aspen Institute Germany; Member of the G7 Panel on Economic Resilience
Shahin Vallée Director of the Geo-Economics Program at DGAP

Martin Wiesmann Senior Associate Fellow in the Geo-Economics Program at DGAP
