Areas of Expertise

  • Climate and energy policy
  • Sustainable development 
  • Geoeconomics
    Climate finance and public finance

Short Bio

Sabrina Schulz is an expert in climate and energy policy and has been an associate fellow in DGAP’s Center for Climate and Foreign Policy since August 2024.

After her doctoral research on transatlantic security relations, Schulz started her professional career in the climate field as a climate diplomat with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. She is the founding director of the Berlin office of E3G Third Generation Environmentalism where her research focused on international climate diplomacy, climate and energy policy in Germany and Europe, and financing the energy transition. 

Schulz served as head of the Berlin office at KfW, Germany’s national promotional and international development bank, and as the executive director of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Germany. She also worked in various other positions, including as a co-CEO for econnext AG, a holding for start-ups and scale-ups aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

She received her master’s degree and PhD in international politics from the University of Wales at Aberystwyth in the United Kingdom. She also holds an MA in public policy and management from the University of Potsdam, for which she also studied at the University of Konstanz and the Université catholique de Louvain.

Schulz is a senior policy fellow with Dezernat Zukunft, a macrofinance think tank in Berlin; a policy fellow at Das Progressive Zentrum; the deputy chair of the supervisory board of Agora Think Tanks; a member of the Global Diplomacy Lab; and a member of the Conseil national du développement et de la solidarité internationale (CNDSI) of the French Foreign Ministry.


German, English, French, Spanish



[Last updated: August 2024]

Dr. Sabrina Schulz




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