Areas of Expertise

  • Domestic politics in Ukraine with a focus on oligarchy and civil society
  • EU-Ukraine relations and Ukraine’s European integration, including implementation of the Association Agreement with the EU
  • EU Eastern Partnership policy 


English, German, Russian, Ukrainian

Dr. Iryna Solonenko was an associate fellow at DGAP from May 2015 to February 2021. Since 2012, she has been working on a research project at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), addressing state-business relations in hybrid regimes with a focus on the political role of Ukrainian oligarchs. Between 2000 and 2012, she worked with the Open Society Foundations in Ukraine as the director of the European Program and as a project manager for the EastWest Institute in Kyiv.

Solonenko holds degrees in international relations, European studies, public administration, and history from the Central European University, Budapest; National Academy of Public Administration, Kiev; and National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Kiev. In 2006–07, she was a visiting research associate at the University of Birmingham, and, in 2009, she was a fellow in the Study Program on European Security (SPES) at the Institute for European Policy in Berlin.

Solonenko is the author of a number of academic, policy, and media publications. She has served on advisory councils with Ukrainian public authorities, has shared her expertise with EU institutions, and has been a board member or expert with such organizations as Kiev Dialogues, the Bertelsmann Transformation Index, and the European Integration Index for Eastern Partnership Countries.

Dr. Iryna Solonenko



Poroschenko im Rampenlicht

Der gesellschaftliche Wunsch nach Rechtsstaatlichkeit setzt Selenskyj unter Zugzwang
Dr. Cristina Gherasimov
Dr. Iryna Solonenko
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