Ulrike Stern had been Assistant to the Research Director since 2010; from 2008 to 2015 she was a program officer at the Robert Bosch Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia. Ulrike Stern Share Publications Title Region All regionsAfricaThe AmericasAsiaEurope-Eastern Europe-FranceMiddle East & North AfricaRussia & Central Asia Topic All topicsBundestagswahl 2025G8/G20European UnionGeoeconomics-G7-Resources and Energy-TradeClimateMigrationSecurityTechnologySetting the Transatlantic CourseZeitenwendeRussia’s War Against Ukraine All filters Format - Any -CommentaryOnline CommentaryMemoPolicy BriefAnalysisReportBooksExternal Publications Albanien in der Warteschleife Zum dritten Mal in Folge hat es die EU abgelehnt, das südosteuropäische Land zum Beitrittskandidaten zu machen Author/s Ulrike Stern Sarah Wohlfeld Parlamentswahlen in Albanien Demokratietest bestanden? Author/s Ulrike Stern Sarah Wohlfeld Albania’s Long Road into the European Union Internal political power struggle blocks central reforms Author/s Ulrike Stern Sarah Wohlfeld Crossing Borders Rethinking the European Union’s Neighborhood Policies Author/s Almut Möller Dr. Cornelius Adebahr Dr. Claire Demesmay et al. Estland und der Euro Nicht Blender, sondern Vorbild Author/s Ulrike Stern Crossing Borders Rethinking the European Union’s Neighborhood Policies Author/s Almut Möller Dr. Cornelius Adebahr Dr. Claire Demesmay et al. Load more
Albanien in der Warteschleife Zum dritten Mal in Folge hat es die EU abgelehnt, das südosteuropäische Land zum Beitrittskandidaten zu machen Author/s Ulrike Stern Sarah Wohlfeld
Albania’s Long Road into the European Union Internal political power struggle blocks central reforms Author/s Ulrike Stern Sarah Wohlfeld
Crossing Borders Rethinking the European Union’s Neighborhood Policies Author/s Almut Möller Dr. Cornelius Adebahr Dr. Claire Demesmay et al.
Crossing Borders Rethinking the European Union’s Neighborhood Policies Author/s Almut Möller Dr. Cornelius Adebahr Dr. Claire Demesmay et al.