
The experts of the DGAP Research Institute summarize their findings and recommendations on various foreign policy issues in four publication formats – memos, policy briefs, analyses, and reports. Ranging in length from concise to more detailed, all are available free of charge below. Enjoy!

Ein europäischer Frühling an der Weichsel

Nach dem Wahlerfolg der Opposition in Polen atmet Europa auf. Der Weg für einen Neuanfang in den Beziehungen zu Deutschland und den europäischen Institutionen ist geebnet – doch es warten viele Herausforderungen.

Botschafter Rolf Nikel
Creation date

A Franco-German Grand Bargain on Energy Policy

European energy ministers will meet on October 17 to try and make progress on critical energy legislation. France and Germany are deeply skeptical about each other’s energy strategy. But finding a compromise is now urgently required to finally unlock the EU-wide energy transition.

Shahin Vallée
Creation date