Application for the Think Tank Leadership and Management Training

To apply for a spot in the Think Tank Leadership and Management Training, please fill out the application form below and upload all supporting documentation by May 4, 2025. 

The participants of the 2025 cohort will be announced no later than May 20, 2025.

Should you have any questions or need support, please reach out to us via 

For more information on the training program visit:


Contact person

Personal Information

Personal Information

Your Motivation

Why do you want to participate in the leadership and management training, what is your current role in your institution; what responsibilities do you have in your position?

Please describe your motivation for participating in max. 300 words below.

Your Leadership Challenges

What is a current challenge you are facing in your leadership or management role?

During the training program, we will work on the different roles you have as a middle manager:  - thinking strategically for your institution, planning research projects, and leading a team. Therefore, we would like to ask you to describe two challenges you face in your work.

First, please describe a project that you have to manage. Ideally, the project is ongoing and in its early stages, and you are managing both staff and budget for it. What challenges do you face in planning the project? What constraints are you facing? Tell us what you hope to gain from this training in relation to this part of your role.

Second, please describe a personal leadership challenge you are facing in managing your team. This could be a conflict between colleagues, delegating or prioritizing tasks, running team meetings, giving feedback, etc. What would you like to improve, or what keeps your mind busy, how to do best? 

Your answers will remain confidential. We will share the anonymous examples with the coaches to prepare the respective training sessions. In case of a successful application, we will ask you to work on these or similar challenges with your peers. 

Supporting Documents

Please note that only PDF files are allowed to be uploaded. The total size of all files cannot exceed 10 MB.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
Please upload a letter of support from your organization here.* You can find a template here.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.

Additional Information

Additional Information
Who would be paying for the course?
Please provide an address to which the invoice can be issued in case of acceptance.
Dietary Requirements
Do you have any dietary requirements or food allergies we should be aware of? The catering provided will be vegan and vegetarian. 


I hereby confirm that I can participate in all in-person training modules and online community calls as indicated in the program.

Your personal data will be stored and used by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) and the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) for the organization and implementation of the Think Tank School. Your data will be stored according to data protection laws. To find out more, please visit and 

How did you hear about the think tank leadership and management training?