Center for Migration

DGAP’s Center for Migration analyzes migration policies in Germany, Europe, and other relevant countries of destination, transit, and origin to promote balanced, constructive, and fact-based debates. On the basis of this work, it develops practice-oriented policy recommendations.

Main Topics:

  • Migration management
  • Cooperation with countries of origin and transit
  • Migration agreements and migration partnerships
  • German migration policies
  • Reform of EU asylum and migration policies
  • Returns and deportations
  • Reintegration
  • Migration dialogue among world regions – especially between Europe and Africa and between Europe and the Americas

Experts at the Center for Migration regularly advise political decision-makers in and beyond Germany in confidential background discussions. They provide impulses and ideas to decision-makers from various governments and authorities. They also present the results of their research and comment on current migration issues in national and international media and at expert conferences in Germany, Europe, and beyond.

Through public events, they promote an informed debate about migration, asylum, and refugees in Germany, and offer a space to discuss controversial migration issues in a balanced and respectful manner. Their goal is to offer pragmatic solutions to conflicts that are often emotional and sometimes ideological.

What we research in an action- and practice-oriented manner:

Experts at the Center for Migration at DGAP research both the challenges and opportunities of migration.
The current focus of the Center’s work is on migration diplomacy and the external dimension of migration policy. They also address current topics such as refugee movements from Ukraine and Germany’s migration policies and reforms.

Since the beginning of DGAP’s migration research, and especially since founding the migration program in 2019, its researchers have worked on a variety of often sensitive migration topics.  Themes covered to date include the external dimension of migration policy, conditionalization of migration cooperation, migration management, returns, deportations, reform of EU asylum and migration law, reintegration of migrants into their countries of origin, EU-African migration cooperation, transatlantic migration cooperation, refugee protection and resettlement, the UN’s Global Compact on Migration, migration instrumentalization, as well as migration communication, disinformation, and fake news.
The Migration Center's publications and projects below provide further details on the DGAP's current and past research and expertise.


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Sieben Thesen auf dem Prüfstand

Sind Abschiebungen rechtsstaatlich notwendige Instrumente oder Maßnahmen, die der Willkür Tür und Tor öffnen? Schickt Deutschland zu viele Menschen zurück oder zu wenige? Und wie funktioniert die Kooperation mit den Herkunftsländern? Die Debatte um Rückkehr und Reintegration erhitzt die Gemüter in Deutschland und Europa. Ein Versuch, Nüchternheit in die Diskussion zu bringen.

Victoria Rietig
Mona Lou Günnewig
Gegen den Strich
Creation date
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