Promotion of Think Tank Work and Related Institutions in the MENA Region and Europe

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Since 2017, the DGAP’s program for the Middle East and North Africa has been supporting colleagues from think tanks and similar scholarly institutions from Tunisia and Morocco as well as Europe-based experts working on the MENA region. In 2018 its scope will expand to include Jordan and Egypt.

The project’s goals are:

  • To analyze the core challenges and developments in the selected countries and the region at large
  • To foster professionalization and capacity building in the realm of political analysis and policy advising
  • To allow participants to network with each other and with relevant decision makers and established experts

The program is intended to strengthen experts working in an advisory capacity within civil society in their own countries – and those who aspire to this role – as they shape policy and find their voices. The program also aims to improve and enrich discussion of the various approaches to reform in the region.

To this end, the program organizes workshops that focus on the respective countries within its scope. Each four-day workshop devotes two days to thematic content and two days to training. In the first two days, participants discuss with each other and with external speakers their own analysis and ideas about concrete political, economic, social, and security-related topics. Participants then take part in two day-long training modules, “Policy Paper Writing” and “Advocacy and Communication." The two workshops take place within a six-month period, a timeframe that gives them ample opportunity to write and speak about their own policy analyses. Their projects are presented at the second workshop, where they also discuss them with selected decision makers.

Alumni of the EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF) make up a portion of the participants and are actively involved in organizing the program’s events, be it as lecturers, panel members, or cooperation partners.



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