
Through its work, DGAP offers interdisciplinary expertise on the constantly changing facets of policy in national and international security, defense, and armaments.


Recent publications

Trump’s Reshuffling of US Foreign Aid Endangers Internet Freedom

Why Germany and Europe Must Step into Shaping a New Digital World Order

The open internet and digital rights are being challenged more fundamentally than ever before. This time, however, the challenges are not coming from China or Russia but from the United States, which for years was considered a key player in promoting internet freedom. Donald Trump’s unprecedented suspension of US foreign aid to civil society threatens to strengthen state surveillance and censorship worldwide. This could affect Germany, too, if China and Russia expand their spheres of influence using digital technologies. The German government and its allies must not leave the digital future to authoritarian regimes. 

Alena Epifanova

European Defense in A New Age (#EDINA)

Geostrategic Changes and European Responses Shaping the Defense Ecosystem
Dr. Christian Mölling
Sören Hellmonds
Theresa Caroline Winter

Sicherheit als Generationenfrage

Prioritäten für die Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie unter DGAP-Mitgliedern
Alexandra Gritz
Prof. Dr. Guntram Wolff

In the media


Past events

09:00 | 07 - 08 Jun 2017

GERNORSEC II: The German-Norwegian Security Dialogue

Berlin Meeting June 7–8, 2017

The DGAP and the Norwegian Institute for Defense Studies, together with the German and Norwegian ministries of defense, convened in Berlin for the second German-Norwegian Security Dialogue (GERNORSEC). The seminar format was launched in Oslo in November 2016.

Think Tank Event
18:30 - 20:00 | 01 Jun 2017

Neue Ostpolitik – entspannen, eindämmen, abschrecken?

Anlässlich der Vorstellung des Friedensgutachtens 2017 in der DGAP diskutierten Vertreter deutscher Friedensforschungsinstitute mit Gernot Erler, dem Russland-Beauftragten der Bundesregierung, über die Notwendigkeit einer neuen Russland- und Osteuropapolitik. Dr. Stefan Meister (DGAP) und Dr. Bruno Schoch (HSFK) moderierten das Gespräch. Sie können die Keynote von Gernot Erler hier im Wortlaut nachlesen. Die Hauptdiskussion stellen wir Ihnen als Audiodatei zum Nachhören weiter unten im Beitrag zur Verfügung.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
12:30 - 14:00 | 29 Mar 2017

Banking Sector Reform in Ukraine

Valeria Gontareva, governor of the National Bank of Ukraine, spoke on March 29 at the DGAP about the current progress of reform in the Ukrainian banking sector and the challenges ahead.

Think Tank Event

Further Topics & Regions