

Recent publications

G7 Trade Relations in Unchartered Waters: Future-Proofing Trade Relations for a Changing Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Environment

Interdependencies in global trade are increasingly no longer seen as a win-win and welfare enhancing situation. Instead, they are perceived as a possible vulnerability, which can be weaponized for geopolitical purposes. In this challenging environment, G7 countries are attempting to strengthen supply chains for critical and strategic goods and technologies among themselves and with trusted partners. The current geoeconomic environment presents both a challenge and an opportunity for G7 countries to resolve older trade conflicts and address new trade disputes in more cooperative and strategic ways. The recent disruptions of the global value chain have centred the focus on security. Countries are now working to increase the resilience of their supply chains and diversify their trade relations, also to counter China’s pervasive influence in the economy through state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and subsidies.

Dr. Claudia Schmucker
Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner
Davide Tentori
External Publications


Die Beziehungen zwischen der EU und Belarus

Dr. Maria Davydchyk

Indien und der Freihandel

Keine Öffnung trotz Modis Wirtschaftsreformplan

Johanna Körnig
Dr. Claudia Schmucker
Policy Brief


Past events

08:30 - 10:00 | 06 Jul 2011

Greece can still be saved

Foreign minister Stavros Lambrinidis solicits confidence

Hardly in office for two weeks, the new Greek foreign minister Stavros Lambrinidis came to Berlin on July 6, 2011 to speak at the DGAP about the causes of the current crisis and to appeal for European solidarity. Greece had barely avoided bankruptcy a few days before when eurozone finance ministers gave the OK for a transfer of a much-needed loan installment of 8.7 billion euros to Athens.

Council Event
Early Bird Breakfast

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