

Recent publications

Toward an Indo-German Green Strategic Partnership

Aligning Partnership Agreements with Foreign Policy Goals

Energy and climate partnerships between India and Germany are approaching a 20-year mark. Now, both countries are adopting green ­technologies and scaling up mitigation efforts more ambitiously, in line with global climate targets – including the goal to triple renewable ­energy capacities. In this policy brief, we look at the bilateral partnerships on climate change mitigation, assess how they align with the two countries’ foreign policy priorities and what a future partnership landscape could look like.

Dr. Abdullah Fahimi
Promit Mookherjee
Dr. Kira Vinke
et al.
Policy Brief

A New Foreign Policy for Germany?

Experts Assess the German Coalition Deal of 2021
Dr. Christian Mölling
Tyson Barker
Dr. Tim Rühlig
et al.
Online Commentary


Past events

16:00 - 17:30 | 23 Jun 2011

China, Power Shifts and Global Challenges

Die USA und China müssen Freunde werden. Allerdings wird China ein schwieriger Freund sein. Diese Botschaft vermittelte Dr. Banning Garrett, vom Think Tank Atlantic Council aus Washington D.C. den Teilnehmern des Gesprächskreises Transatlantische Beziehungen.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm

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