
The experts of the DGAP Research Institute summarize their findings and recommendations on various foreign policy issues in four publication formats – memos, policy briefs, analyses, and reports. Ranging in length from concise to more detailed, all are available free of charge below. Enjoy!

Migrationspolitik nach Merkel

Drei Themen könnten bei den Koalitionsverhandlungen strittig werden: die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen, der Umgang mit Ausreisepflichtigen und die EU-Agentur Frontex.

Victoria Rietig
Creation date

A Bitter End

The Biden administration’s decision to stick with Donald Trump’s “deal” with the Taliban and withdraw US forces no-matter-what has caused the disaster in Afghanistan, with Germany looking on. Angela Merkel’s time in office is ending with a foreign policy disaster.

Dr. Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
Creation date

A Plea to Restart the Weimar Triangle

The Weimar Triangle should become a new driver of reform and deeper integration within the EU. Despite the recent developments in Poland, Germany, and France should not give up on it, but rather enhance the trilateral dialogue.

Renata Alt
Toward a New German Foreign Policy
Creation date

The Engine Room: Rebooting Germany’s Foreign Policy Architecture

Berlin needs to improve its decision-making processes, and that means repairing its creaky foreign policy set-up—a contribution to the debate about a German National Security Council.

Philipp Rotmann
Toward a New German Foreign Policy
Creation date