
The experts of the DGAP Research Institute summarize their findings and recommendations on various foreign policy issues in four publication formats – memos, policy briefs, analyses, and reports. Ranging in length from concise to more detailed, all are available free of charge below. Enjoy!

Preparing for a Longer War

Is a Ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia possible by 2024?
Dr. Stefan Meister
Dr. András Rácz
Judith Heckenthaler

Will Deadlock over Ukraine Kill the EU Enlargement Momentum?

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wants to postpone Ukraine’s accession talks and accelerate those of the Balkan candidates. In fact, he might slow down EU enlargement in general, which was only recently revived and which Hungary strongly supports.

Milan Nič
Frauke Seebass
Creation date

Time to Deliver

What the Loss and Damage Fund Needs to Bring to the Most Vulnerable
Mechthild Becker
Dr. Kira Vinke

Germany’s “Plumbers of Power” Lack Far-Sightedness

Just before passing its halfway mark, the coalition government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been hitting the financial buffers. Sadly, a general fiscal rethink is unlikely.

Dr. Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
Creation date