Workshop “Promotion of Think Tank Work on Migration and Socio-Economic Challenges in Morocco”

07 - 10 December 2017
Event location
DGAP, Berlin, Germany
Invitation type
Invitation only


Participants will attend a second workshop in Rabat from March 15–18 2018, during which the finalized policy papers will be discussed with relevant Moroccan and European decision-makers. Moreover, participants will complete a training in policy advocacy and communication.

The workshop is organized in cooperation with the Rabat Social Studies Institute (RSSI) and funding by the German Federal Foreign Office, the Institute for International Cultural Relations (ifa), and the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

The workshop in Berlin is part of the DGAP MENA Program’s project on the promotion of think tank work in the Middle East and North Africa, which aims to strengthen the scholarly and technical capacities of civil society actors in the region and the EU who are engaged in research and policy analysis and advice.

The project’s objectives are: 1) analysis of pressing issues and developments in selected countries and the region as a whole; 2) training to develop new and enhance existing capacities in the field of policy analysis and advice; 3) networking with peers and political decision-makers to exchange experiences and increase visibility and credibility.

*Please note that this is a closed event.