Strategic Play: Football, Foreign Policy, and Germany’s Image Abroad

DGAP's Morning Briefing
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This episode, the panel discusses how football impacts politics and vice versa. As the knockout stage of the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship approaches, we look at some of the underlying political debates that have shaped international football culture in recent weeks. With nationalist parties on the rise in several European countries, the European Championship has itself become a forum for political emotions – some friendly, others not. As the host country, Germany is under particular scrutiny. Together with our experts, we address questions at the intersection of football and foreign policy – a topic somewhat outside the usual scope of DGAP’s activities but very timely indeed. 

Timm Beichelt, Author and Professor of European Studies, European University Viadrina
Jasmine Hahn, Football Recruitment Analyst and Contributor to the Podcast Talking Fussball

Jan Stöckmann, Head of the Director’s Office, DGAP




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