EU accession: an opportunity for reform in the Western Balkans?

Think-tank representatives from South Eastern Europe discussed current issues of their countries’ EU integration

10 - 14 June 2014
Event location
Berlin, Germany
Invitation type
Invitation only


The rule of law, at the center of the reform process, is of particular interest to the researchers.

Meeting in Berlin from June 10–14, participants took stock of current research projects, dealing with the fight against corruption, the reform of public administration and the judiciary, parliamentary control and civil society inclusion. They also discussed the question of how research results and recommendations can find their way from academia into the policymaking process, thus contributing to evidence-based policymaking.

In discussions with representatives of the Federal Chancellery, the German Foreign Office and the Bundestag, participating researchers also had the opportunity to obtain first-hand insights into German policies regarding the EU perspective of the Western Balkans and challenges related to this.

The policy analysts’ visit to Berlin is part of a series of seminars of the 2014 TRAIN Programme. Supported by the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe of the German Federal Foreign Office, TRAIN seeks to foster policy dialogue between think-tanks in the Western Balkans. After two meetings in Belgrade and Berlin, participants will present their research results both within the region and to EU representatives in Brussels later in the year.



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