Josef Janning Share Publications Title Region All regionsAfricaThe AmericasAsiaEurope-Eastern Europe-FranceMiddle East & North AfricaRussia & Central Asia Topic All topicsBundestagswahl 2025G8/G20European UnionGeoeconomics-G7-Resources and Energy-TradeClimateMigrationSecurityTechnologySetting the Transatlantic CourseZeitenwendeRussia’s War Against Ukraine All filters Format - Any -CommentaryOnline CommentaryMemoPolicy BriefAnalysisReportBooksExternal Publications (Re-)Building Coalitions Rolle und Potenzial von Mitgliedstaaten in der Gestaltung der EU Author/s Almut Möller Josef Janning (Re-)Building Coalitions The Role and Potential of Member States in Shaping the Future of the EU Author/s Almut Möller Josef Janning Europa-Atlas mit Daten und Fakten über den Kontinent Orientierungswissen und Debatten Author/s Almut Möller Josef Janning Pulling through the Crisis Together International expert workshop develops EU perspectives beyond the financial crisis Author/s Thanos Dokos Josef Janning Verena Ringler et al. Koalition der Unwilligen Was der Westen aus der Syrien-Krise lernen kann Author/s Josef Janning State Power within European Integration On the limits and context of Germany’s power in the Union Author/s Josef Janning Load more In the media Kommentar zur Rede von JD Vance Interview mit Josef Janning | Phoenix | 15.02.2025 Previous Next Load more
(Re-)Building Coalitions Rolle und Potenzial von Mitgliedstaaten in der Gestaltung der EU Author/s Almut Möller Josef Janning
(Re-)Building Coalitions The Role and Potential of Member States in Shaping the Future of the EU Author/s Almut Möller Josef Janning
Europa-Atlas mit Daten und Fakten über den Kontinent Orientierungswissen und Debatten Author/s Almut Möller Josef Janning
Pulling through the Crisis Together International expert workshop develops EU perspectives beyond the financial crisis Author/s Thanos Dokos Josef Janning Verena Ringler et al.
State Power within European Integration On the limits and context of Germany’s power in the Union Author/s Josef Janning