Areas of Expertise

  • Feminist foreign policy (FFP)
  • German and global implementation of FFP
  • FFP in multilateral relations
  • Values-based approaches to foreign policy
  • Gender and security
  • German and European foreign policy

Short Bio

Leonie Stamm has been a research fellow at DGAP since November 2021. She works on topics related to feminist foreign policy, particularly its implementation in a German context and its implications for the international order and multilateral relations. She also heads the study groups “Strategic Issues,” “European Policy,” and – in cooperation – “Global Challenges.” These groups bring members of the German Bundestag together with high-ranking representatives from ministries and the foreign policy community in a confidential setting to facilitate debate on strategic issues related to German and European positions and develop concrete options for action.

Previously, Stamm worked at the Körber Foundation in the department of international affairs, where she was involved in the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum and the Körber Policy Game, as well as the Körber Strategic Stability Initiative, where she worked on new ideas and approaches to the topics of strategic stability and the future of arms control.

In her studies, Stamm focused on German and international foreign and security policy, as well as on feminist foreign policy; gender and security; and the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda, in particular its implementation in Lebanon. Previous activities led her to the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe, the Expert Council on Integration and Migration, and the Cairo office of the German Academic Exchange Service.


German, English, French


[Last updated: February 2024]

Leonie Stamm



Eine Grand Strategy für Deutschland

Historisch ist nachvollziehbar, warum das Nachdenken über eine umfassende Strategie hierzulande lange verpönt war. Nun ist es Zeit für eine Neubewertung.

Jacob Ross
Leonie Stamm
Dr. Jan Stöckmann
Creation date

Iran Is no Litmus Test for Germany’s Feminist Foreign Policy

When it comes to the protests in Iran, critics ask: Where is Germany’s bold new foreign policy? They are misguided, while Berlin, in its response, seems to have forgotten three of its own principles.

Dr. Roderick Parkes
Dana Schirwon
Leonie Stamm
Creation date

Wir müssen reden: Für die umfassende Vermittlung einer Feministischen Außenpolitik

Sechs von zehn Deutschen haben den Begriff „Feministische Außenpolitik“ noch nie gehört oder wissen nicht, was er bedeutet. Das zeigt: Damit das Konzept zu einer integralen außenpolitischen Arbeitsweise wird und nicht zu einem weiteren Buzzword ohne politische Folgen verkommt, ist adressatenspezifische Kommunikation von größter Wichtigkeit.

Julia Ganter
Leonie Stamm
Creation date

In the media