Von Fluchtgründen und Konflikttreibern
Migration, Krieg, bedrohte Lebensgrundlagen: Warum Klimapolitik Krisenprävention ist.
Migration, Krieg, bedrohte Lebensgrundlagen: Warum Klimapolitik Krisenprävention ist.
Beijing’s status quo policy exacerbates regional instability
In the diplomatic struggle around the civil war, Moscow has brought itself back into play on the international stage
Frieden im Nahen Osten, wann endlich? Und wie? Es ist höchste Zeit, offen über die Alternativen einer Ein-Staaten-Regelung oder einer Konföderation zu diskutieren.
Berlin, Brussels, and Moscow should be talking to each other, not about each other
Crisis management expert Pieter Feith on the difficulties of forming a state, dialogue with Serbia, and EU prospects
European and American perspectives
Letting Russia’s President Vladimir Putin have his way would bring disastrous consequences
Moscow may be a bristly partner, but the EU must still try harder. Abandoning its own stereotypes is one place to start
Andreas Reinicke, EU special representative for the Middle East peace process, on the plans for a new US initiative