Digital ThinkTanking in Times of Covid-19

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Digital Thinktanking is a webtalk series co-created by DGAP, WonkComms, and Soapbox in response to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic for think tank work. The seven-part series brought together the international think tank community to better understand how we can continue our work under lockdown. Once a week, experts from our community shared tips and tools on how to put your think tank work online.

Topics included:

  • How to bring face-to-face events online
  • How to communicate authoritative information in a post-truth environment
  • How do political processes change due to Corona
  • How to enable safe spaces for sensitive conversations online
  • How to bring more life to think tank data visualizations
  • How Covid-19 affects the relationship between science and politics
  • How to adapt your impact strategy through organizational learning

All editions of the WebTalk series are available to stream online here [Link to YouTube Playlist].

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