The Engagement of the Gulf States in Egypt and Tunisia

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Research on the Engagement of the Gulf States Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates in Egypt and Tunisia (2014–15)

Since the upheavals in the Arab region began in 2011, the most varied actors have sought to influence the countries in question. These include several of the Gulf States, which are becoming ever more economically and financially involved. Through direct as well as indirect support for particular social and political powers in different Arab countries, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have advanced to become some of the most influential actors, albeit with questionable repercussions.

The research project, which was completed in the second half of 2015, focused on political and economic engagement of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and UAE in Egypt and Tunisia, while also looking at the implications across North Africa. It also investigated the question of how Germany should respond to the Gulf States’ policies.

The project encompassed various networks, workshops, and background discussions. It analyzed the effects of the engagement of the above-named Gulf States on political reform efforts and socio-economic developments in Egypt and Tunisia. The findings were collected in a detailed policy analysis by Inken Wiese and Sebastian Sons. "The Engagement of Arab Gulf States in Egypt and Tunisia since 2011: Rationale and Impact," DGAPanalyse 9 (October 2015), 85 pp.



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