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DGAP’s program on the Americas is a knowledge hub for German politicians, businesspeople, academics, and media on social, economic, and domestic factors related to US foreign policy. We cooperate with renowned US institutions and think tanks such as Johns Hopkins University, the Harvard Kennedy School, the Atlantic Council, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Over many years, we have also built close relationships with networks and influential circles among Democrats and Republicans. Thanks to this access to powerful insiders in the US government and its collaboration with German and international partners, DGAP operates a US strategy group that enriches the transatlantic debate and is valued by a wide range of experts – from government officials to opinion leaders in industry and civil society.

Our aim is to counteract misinterpretations of how political decisions are made on both sides to reduce tensions on the transatlantic relationship. Grappling with today’s world order necessitates a comprehensive understanding of transatlantic relations that includes Latin America and Canada.

Key topics:

  • Social, economic, and domestic factors that will determine the future of US foreign policy
  • US foreign policy and economic interests
  • Involvement of Europe’s trading partners in Latin America, the US, and Canada in the geo-economic strategies and policies of Germany and Europe.
  • Strategies to maintain a rules-based world order



Kein Land in Sicht

Für eine effektive Schlepperbekämpfung braucht die EU Stabilität in Libyen

Sebastian Feyock
Policy Brief

Trumps Triumph

Warum der Casino-Milliardär Amerikas geringstes Problem ist

Dr. Josef Braml

In the media


Past events

12:30 - 14:00 | 26 Sep 2011

Schwierige Kooperation

Amerikanische und europäische Nachrichtendienste im Umbruch

Die technischen Anforderungen an die nachrichtendienstliche Arbeit steigen. Eine Herausforderung besteht auch darin, eine weltumspannende Präsenz aufrecht zu erhalten. So setzen amerikanische Dienste über die Hälfte ihrer Ressourcen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten und in Afghanistan und Pakistan ein. Prof. Joseph Wippl (Boston University) sprach dazu im DGAP-Gesprächskreis Transatlantische Beziehungen.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
12:30 - 14:30 | 26 Sep 2011

Internationale Zusammenarbeit und die Umbrüche in der arabischen Welt

Im „Arabischen Frühling“ sind die fehlenden wirtschaftlichen Perspektiven der meist jungen Bevölkerung eine wichtige Triebfeder. Der Erfolg der Freiheitsbewegungen dürfte auch davon abhängen, dass sich die ökonomische Situation in den arabischen Staaten erkennbar verbessert.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
10:00 | 21 - 22 Sep 2011

Cowardice of The People?

DGAP Conference on Relations between Public Opinion and International Security Policy

Public opinion plays an important role in international security policy – not least of all once critical opposition towards government politics forms. It is surprising how little effort governments and the military dedicate to winning public support. How can strategic communication be improved? Titled “Cautious And Truthful – Public Opinion and Security in Democratic Systems”, an international conference of the DGAP’s USA program covered the topic on September 21 and 22, 2011.

Think Tank Event
12:30 - 14:00 | 19 Sep 2011

Prioritäten setzen, Lasten teilen

Der Aufstieg Chinas erfordert von den USA ein sicherheitspolitisches Umdenken

Sind die USA in der Lage, sich schnell genug den neuen sicherheitspolitischen Bedingungen anzupassen? Die angestammte Rolle der USA wird heute vielfach herausgefordert. Das Land steckt tief in wirtschaftlichen Problemen, mit China wächst ein neuer Konkurrent heran. Im DGAP-Gesprächskreis Transatlantische Beziehungen plädierte Prof. Stephen Walt (Harvard University) für ein neues Konzept der Interessenwahrnehmung und Machtprojektion.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
10:00 - 18:00 | 01 Jul 2011

After the Arab Spring

Expectations for Summer, Fall, and Winter

How will the Arab world develop after its stormy spring? This was one of the questions that Jack A. Goldstone of George Mason University, Paul Freiherr von Maltzahn, executive vice-president German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), and Almut Möller, head of the Alfred von Oppenheim-Center for European Policy Studies at the DGAP discussed.

Council Event
18:30 - 20:00 | 29 Jun 2011

The Iran Nuclear Crisis:

Is an Acceptable Deal Possible?

Since the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979, the relationship between the United States and Iran consists mostly of mutual accusations. The US accuses Iran of pursuing a nuclear weapons program, and Iran accuses the US of trying to intervene in its internal affairs and acting out of imperialist motives. The question is: Is there a way out of this crisis? Dr. Steven Miller took on this question at a discussion group at the DGAP on transatlantic relations.

Program Event

Further programs