DGAP’s program on the Americas is a knowledge hub for German politicians, businesspeople, academics, and media on social, economic, and domestic factors related to US foreign policy. We cooperate with renowned US institutions and think tanks such as Johns Hopkins University, the Harvard Kennedy School, the Atlantic Council, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Over many years, we have also built close relationships with networks and influential circles among Democrats and Republicans. Thanks to this access to powerful insiders in the US government and its collaboration with German and international partners, DGAP operates a US strategy group that enriches the transatlantic debate and is valued by a wide range of experts – from government officials to opinion leaders in industry and civil society.
Our aim is to counteract misinterpretations of how political decisions are made on both sides to reduce tensions on the transatlantic relationship. Grappling with today’s world order necessitates a comprehensive understanding of transatlantic relations that includes Latin America and Canada.
Key topics:
- Social, economic, and domestic factors that will determine the future of US foreign policy
- US foreign policy and economic interests
- Involvement of Europe’s trading partners in Latin America, the US, and Canada in the geo-economic strategies and policies of Germany and Europe.
- Strategies to maintain a rules-based world order
Kein Land in Sicht
Für eine effektive Schlepperbekämpfung braucht die EU Stabilität in Libyen
Trumps Triumph
Warum der Casino-Milliardär Amerikas geringstes Problem ist
When Parliaments Go to War
US War Powers in Comparative Perspective
Parlamentarische Entscheidungsgewalt über Militäreinsätze
Die USA in vergleichender Perspektive
Super PACs, Think Tanks und Medien
Antriebskräfte der Polarisierung des politischen Wettbewerbs
Multilateralism in the Far North
The Ukraine Crisis Threatens to Introduce a Security Dimension into Arctic Diplomacy
In the media
Past events
Schwierige Kooperation
Amerikanische und europäische Nachrichtendienste im Umbruch
Internationale Zusammenarbeit und die Umbrüche in der arabischen Welt
Cowardice of The People?
DGAP Conference on Relations between Public Opinion and International Security Policy
Prioritäten setzen, Lasten teilen
Der Aufstieg Chinas erfordert von den USA ein sicherheitspolitisches Umdenken
After the Arab Spring
Expectations for Summer, Fall, and Winter
The Iran Nuclear Crisis:
Is an Acceptable Deal Possible?